Amanda C. m.1918 -
Betty J.
Blanche C. b.1914 -
Catharine b.1740 - of Adams County, Pennsylvania
Catherine b.1774 - Berwick Twp., Adams, Pennsylvania
Catherine -
Elizabeth b.1848 - Indiana
Elizabeth -
Emma b.1851 - of Perry County, Ohio
Emma L. -
Ethel R. -
Florence b.1876 -
Florence -
Frances b.1892 -
Gertrude -
Hannah -
J. Ryan
Lindsey Ray
Louise b.1911 -
Lydia C. b.1863 - of Perry County, Ohio
Lydia J. b.1852 - of Perry County, Ohio
Margaretha b.1672 - of Basol, Switzerland
Maria Margaretha b.1705 - of Hassloch, Bayern, Germany
Martha Jane -
Martha L. b.1856 - of Perry County, Ohio
Mary C. b.1791 - of Taneytown, Carroll, Maryland
Mary Margaret b.1772 - North Carolina
Melissa Dawn
Nell b.1865 - of Henry County, Ohio
Nellie E. b.1901 -
Opal V. b.1914 -
Rosa -
Rose b.1893 - Kentucky
Ruth J.
Sarah E. -
Susannah b.1818 - Maryland
Velma I. b.1902 -
Virginia -
Wilda B. -
Clarence Leon
James H. m.1862 - Delaware County, Indiana
Mary Adeline m.1877 - Delaware County, Indiana
William W. m.1889 -
Bessie Evelyn b.1924 -
Mary Elizabeth b.1849 - Ohio
John -
David Arthur
Kaleb Michael
Lisa Marie
Scott Michael
Stacy Lynn
Thomas Arthur
Alpharetta Jane b.1850 - of Perry County, Ohio
Elizabeth Mary b.1869 - Liverpool, Lancashire, England
Mary elizabeth b.1850 - of Tama County, Iowa
Daniel Marvin
Helen Margaret
Janean Marie
Martha Marie
Mitchell David
Steven Daniel
William David Sigler
George -
Oliver m.1881 -
Oliver B. b.1865 - of Dallas Co., Iowa
E. Lee b.1856 - Perry County, Ohio
Mary Amy m.1913 - Hocking County, Ohio
Rosa Leah b.1891 - Haydenville, Hocking, Ohio
Ernest Pearl
Ethel Irene
Jay Augustus b.1896 - Perry County, Ohio
Jay T.
Lavena Elva b.1881 - Marion Twp., Hocking, Ohio
Lewis D.
Margaret -
Elizabeth Louise b.1858 - Falls Twp., Hocking, Ohio
Harry Lane b.1903 -
Mary b.1813 - Ohio
William S. m.1850 - German Ref Ch., Frederick, Maryland
Eliza Jane b.1831 - Green County, Ohio
Dorothy b.1894 - of Perry County, Ohio
Florence Arvilla b.1903 - Ohio
Forrest B. b.1901 - Ohio
John Wesley b.1873 - Hocking County, Ohio
Sadie M. b.1905 - Perry County, Ohio
Earl John
Isaac Carl b.1894 - Perry County, Ohio
Merl John
Clara A. b.1841 - of Coshocton Co., Ohio
Rosanna Elizabeth b.1865 - of Miami County, Indiana
Catherine b.1824 - Codorus Twp., York, Pennsylvania
Eliza b.1845 - Codorus Twp., York, Pennsylvania
Elizabeth b.1826 - Codorus Twp., York, Pennsylvania
Lydia b.1837 - Codorus Twp., York, Pennsylvania
Martin b.1830 - Codorus Twp., York, Pennsylvania
Mary J. b.1838 - Codorus Twp., York, Pennsylvania
Rebecca b.1832 - Codorus Twp., York, Pennsylvania
Samuel b.1805 - of Codorus Twp., York, Pennsylvania
Sarah A. b.1834 - Codorus Twp., York, Pennsylvania
Valentine b.1823 - Codorus Twp., York, Pennsylvania
George Emanuel b.1870 - Pittsburg, Pennsylvania
Edward L. b.1872 - Hancock, Ohio
Hazel Marie b.1905 - Hocking County, Ohio
Infance b.1910 - Logan, Hocking, Ohio
Olga M. b.1903 - Hocking County, Ohio
Amanda m.1882 - Delaware County, Indiana
Bertha b.1887 - of Vanwert County, Ohio
Alvah Hobart b.1910 -
Barnhard Taylor
Doris Kathryn b.1907 -
Floyd Weston
G. W. -
George W. b.1908 -
Abraham b.1772 - of Berwick Twp., Adams, Pennsylvania
Homer b.1899 -
Clyde R. b.1903 - West Virginia
Etta m.1900 -
Lauretta b.1867 - of Perry County, Ohio
Catharine b.1864 - of Vanwert Co., Ohio
Michael -
Elizabeth b.1784 - Orange County, North Carolina
Frank Algermon b.1901 -
Elmira Elizabeth b.1859 - Indiana
Susanna b.1812 - of Perry County, Ohio
Betty Jane
Bonnie Jean
Carol Lee
Charles E. b.1900 - Hocking County, Ohio
Charles Edward b.1922 - Nr. Webb Summit, Hocking, Ohio
Donald Wayne
Earl Wesley
Frank W. b.1905 - Hocking County, Ohio
Harry D.
Hazel F.
Jennie V.
John William b.1876 - Maxville, Perry, Ohio
Louella Mae b.1908 - Logan, Hocking, Ohio
Perl Maywood b.1901 - Logan, Hocking, Ohio
Ray Franklin b.1931 - Logan, Hocking, Ohio
Robert Laurence
Ruth D. b.1904 - Hocking County, Ohio
Valley R. b.1914 - Hocking County, Ohio
Orrin E. m.1912 - Perry County, Ohio
Clara L. m.1899 -
Mrs. Catherine m.1886 - of Holmes County, Ohio
Amanda b.1849 - Reading Twp., Perry, Ohio
Catharine b.1854 - Reading Twp., Perry, Ohio
Dana b.1846 - Reading Twp., Perry, Ohio
Elijah b.1820 - Reading Twp., Perry, Ohio
Elizabeth b.1842 - Reading Twp., Perry, Ohio
George W. b.1858 - Reading Twp., Perry, Ohio
Isaac b.1818 - Reading Twp., Perry, Ohio
Jane b.1823 - Reading Twp., Perry, Ohio
Jane b.1842 - Reading Twp., Perry, Ohio
Lewis b.1789 - Pennsylvania
Lewis b.1844 - Reading Twp., Perry, Ohio
Lewis b.1831 - Reading Twp., Perry, Ohio
Lincoln b.1861 - Reading Twp., Perry, Ohio
Margaret b.1852 - Reading Twp., Perry, Ohio
Martin b.1849 - Reading Twp., Perry, Ohio
Mary b.1848 - Reading Twp., Perry, Ohio
Mary b.1846 - Reading Twp., Perry, Ohio
Quinster b.1867 - Reading Twp., Perry, Ohio
Sarah b.1841 - Reading Twp., Perry, Ohio
Sarah b.1828 - Reading Twp., Perry, Ohio
Carl Robert b.1890 -
Emma Anna m.1871 -
Hannah Melvina b.1860 - of Allen County, Ohio
Basil W. b.1894 -
Albert b.1890 - Iowa
Belma Ruth b.1899 - Marion Twp., Hocking, Ohio
Charles A. b.1889 - Monday Creek Twp., Perry, Ohio
Charles D. b.1889 - Maxville, Perry, Ohio
Child b.1891 - Monday Creek Twp., Perry, Ohio
Cora A. b.1908 - Marion Twp., Hocking, Ohio
Dora A. b.1908 - Marion Twp., Hocking, Ohio
Dora C. b.1893 - Perry County, Ohio
Edith Blanche b.1897 - Buller, Keokuk, Iowa
Esther May b.1904 - Marion Twp., Hocking, Ohio
Frances b.1892 - Monday Creek Twp., Perry, Ohio
Frank Daniel
Frank Joseph b.1902 - Perry County, Ohio
Glenn H. b.1915 - Marion Twp., Hocking, Ohio
Grace b.1899 - Perry County, Ohio
Hal B.
Harold C.
James Elmer b.1872 - Hocking County, Ohio
John D. b.1857 - Ohio
Joseph Dempsey b.1871 - West Lafayette, Coshocton, Ohio
Lucy S. b.1901 - Marion Twp., Hocking, Ohio
Mary C.
Mary L. b.1886 - Iowa
Nellie E. b.1896 - Marion Twp., Hocking, Ohio
Parrot W. m.1885 - Iowa
Ronald S.
Routh J. b.1897 - Iowa
Russell P.
Sarah E. b.1884 - Iowa
Stella Florence b.1896 - Perry County, Ohio
Thomas B.
Tuay b.1895 - Iowa
Walter H. b.1893 - Iowa
William G. b.1888 - Iowa
George -
Josephine -
Susan Jane m.1880 - Yorktown, Delaware, Indiana
John b.1844 - of Mercer Co., Ohio
Mariah b.1856 - of Sandusky Co., Ohio
Asa Monroe m.1896 -
Catherine Helen b.1924 - Pueblo, Pueblo, Colorado
George Bernard b.1919 - Pueblo, Pueblo, Colorado
Joseph Vincent
Kathy Ann
Linda Kay
Michael b.1876 - Clady Beg, Armagh, Ireland
Michael Arthur b.1915 - Pueblo, Pueblo, Colorado
Alice Mildred b.1904 - Cedar Twp., Mahaska, Iowa
Alta Pearl b.1900 - Kirkville, Wapello, Iowa
Bernie Eugene
Ciindy Jo
Don William b.1922 - Kirkville, Wapello, Iowa
Florence Iris b.1916 - Kirkville, Wapello, Iowa
Glenna Jeanette b.1932 - Kirkville, Wapello, Iowa
Helen Muriel b.1915 - Hay Creek, Kanabec, Minnesota
Jason "L" b.1907 - Cedar Twp., Mahaska, Iowa
Kay Marlene
William Edward
William Lewis b.1874 - Mahaska, County, Iowa
Jonathan b.1827 - Indiana
Gary Jay
Glen Randy b.1957 - Provo, Utah, Utah
Lorraine Arlene
Wayne Sterling
Weldon Jay b.1922 - Vernal, Uinta, Utah
Mary Elizabeth m.1872 -
Carl C. m.1916 - Paris, Edgar, Illinois
Dorothy E. b.1912 - Spokane, Spokane, Washington
James Wesley b.1914 -
Lawrence Pearl b.1938 - Gore, Hocking, Ohio
Mary E. m.1915 -
Patricia Louise b.1939 - Gore, Hocking, Ohio
Esther Talma b.1831 - of Perry County, Ohio
Sarah Ann b.1831 - of Reading Twp., Perry, Ohio
Reason m.1863 - Allen County, Ohio
Ocie Bell b.1891 -
Bessie b.1887 - Logan, Hocking, Ohio
Charles Franklin
Diane Lillian
Glen Wayne
Mabel F. b.1904 - Ohio
Roger Dale
A. F. m.1871 - Vanburen County, Iowa
Harry Lewis -
George b.1900 -
William b.1857 - of Sandusky Co., Ohio
Alma b.1856 - Reading Twp., Perry, Ohio
Anna b.1828 - Somerset, Perry, Ohio
Bertha S. b.1863 - Reading Twp., Perry, Ohio
David b.1793 - Oxford, Chenango, New York
David b.1832 - Somerset, Perry, Ohio
David R. b.1859 - Perry County, Ohio
Elizabeth b.1830 - Somerset, Perry, Ohio
Elvina b.1858 - Reading Twp., Perry, Ohio
Ira b.1862 - Reading Twp., Perry, Ohio
John b.1824 - Perry County, Ohio
Martha b.1840 - Hopewell Twp., Perry, Ohio
Martha J. b.1860 - Reading Twp., Perry, Ohio
Mary b.1827 - Somerset, Perry, Ohio
Mary Elizabeth b.1856 - Reading Twp., Perry, Ohio
Sara Jane b.1834 - Perry County, Ohio
Sylvester b.1837 - Perry County, Ohio
Thomas b.1842 - Hopewell Twp., Perry, Ohio
Nancy Jane m.1861 - Hocking County, Ohio
Elias b.1819 - of Perry County, Ohio
Andrew Solomon b.1896 - Hocking County, Ohio
Charles Oscar b.1893 - Green Twp., Hocking, Ohio
Charles Wesley b.1869 - Hocking County, Ohio
Ernest Stanley b.1906 - Logan, Hocking, Ohio
Floyd Wesley b.1909 - Falls, Hocking, Ohio
Laura Mae b.1902 - Monday Creek Twp., Perry, Ohio
Margaret Vesta b.1897 - Marion Twp., Hocking, Ohio
Orla Oliver b.1894 - Green Twp., Hocking, Ohio
Sarah Alma b.1876 - Green Twp., Hocking, Ohio
Simon Worthington b.1899 - Marion Twp., Hocking, Ohio
Violet I. b.1911 - Hocking County, Ohio
William Rhodes b.1904 - Logan, Hocking, Ohio
Anna Marie b.1875 - Hocking County, Ohio
David b.1860 - Hocking County, Ohio
Elizabeth b.1867 - Hocking County, Ohio
Joseph b.1808 - Strasbourg, France
Lilly Belle b.1878 - Perry County, Ohio
Mary b.1879 - Hocking County, Ohio
Sarah b.1866 - Hocking County, Ohio
Susan b.1864 - Hocking County, Ohio
Theresa Agnes b.1870 - Hocking County, Ohio
Martha Ellen b.1842 - Cadiz, Hocking, Ohio
Alma Mae b.1890 - Ohio
Benjamin Marcus b.1899 - Ohio
Donald Wayne
Albert Watson b.1840 - of Hocking Co., Ohio
John L. b.1868 - Barboun County, Kansas
Renalds b.1873 - Barboun County, Kansas
Walter W. b.1869 - Barboun County, Kansas
Lenna C. b.1906 - Ohio
L. D. Richard b.1850 - of Mercer County, Ohio
Mary A. m.1903 - Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska
Charles Anthony b.1900 -
Edward Marion b.1914 -
John -
John James b.1904 -
Joseph Francis
Josephine I.
Mary K. b.1906 -
Robert Herman b.1907 -
Sarah Jane b.1840 - of Perry County, Ohio
Edgar Roy b.1893 -
Edwin b.1885 - Hopewell Twp., Perry, Ohio
Elmer b.1885 - Glenford, Ohio
Florence Ethel b.1889 - Hopewell Twp., Perry, Ohio
Luther Loy b.1886 - Hopewell Twp., Perry, Ohio
Oscar L. b.1887 - Hopewell Twp., Perry, Ohio
Rezen b.1864 - of Perry County, Ohio
Fanny b.1817 - Ohio
Amanda J. b.1877 - Perry County, Ohio
Cora E. b.1874 - Perry County, Ohio
David L. b.1873 - Perry County, Ohio
Franklin b.1882 - Perry County, Ohio
George H. b.1886 - Perry County, Ohio
James W. b.1844 - Ohio
James William b.1878 - Perry County, Ohio
John R. b.1880 - Perry County, Ohio
Levi b.1889 - Perry County, Ohio
Pearly b.1892 - Perry County, Ohio
Samuel b.1884 - Perry County, Ohio
Charles W. m.1891 - Hocking County, Ohio
Cora O. b.1917 - Green Twp., Hocking, Ohio
Edna E.
Florence b.1903 - Green Twp., Hocking, Ohio
Franklin Dewey b.1898 - Green Twp., Hocking, Ohio
George Emerson b.1910 - Green Twp., Hocking, Ohio
Harry James b.1901 - Green Twp., Hocking, Ohio
James Albert b.1871 - Hocking County, Ohio
James Albert (R) b.1871 - Hocking County, Ohio
John Wilson b.1891 - Hocking County, Ohio
Lawrence Willard b.1915 - Green Twp., Hocking, Ohio
Mercy May b.1896 - Green Twp., Hocking, Ohio
Minnie Bell b.1894 - Green Twp., Hocking, Ohio
Susan Elizabeth b.1912 - Green Twp., Hocking, Ohio
Lawson -
Martha Jane b.1838 - Perry County, Ohio
Pearl -
Margaret b.1851 - of Perry County, Pennsylvania
Thomas b.1844 - of Perry County, Ohio
William -
Clarence b.1890 - Monday Creek Twp., Perry, Ohio
Elsie M. b.1903 - Monday Creek Twp., Perry, Ohio
Walter C.
Alice Jean
Bertha Mae b.1894 - Fremont, Mahaska, Iowa
Charles m.1890 - Vanwert County, Ohio
Charles Emery b.1893 - Kirkville, Wapello, Iowa
Charles Emery b.1922 - Fremont, Mahaska, Iowa
David Jay
Ellis Howard b.1871 - Fremont, Mahaska, Iowa
Florence Jennie m.1921 - Hocking County, Ohio
Floyd Earl b.1897 - Fremont, Mahaska, Iowa
Frances Marie
Helen C. b.1929 - Lebanon County, Pennsylvania
Kathryn Louise
Leon C. b.1866 - Perry County, Ohio
Lloyd Earl b.1927 - Fremont, Mahaska, Iowa
Mazie Florence b.1898 - Hocking County, Ohio
Paul Edward
Ruth Mildred b.1916 - Delonaga, Keokuk, Iowa
Wayne Eugene
Wilton C. m.1914 -
Estera b.1875 -
Andrew George m.1897 - Vanburen County, Iowa
Benjamin Franklin b.1876 - Hocking County, Ohio
Homer J. b.1883 - Hocking County, Ohio
Mary Elizabeth b.1881 - Hocking County, Ohio
Orison m.1874 -
Phyllis Jean b.1921 - Oneonta, Otesego, New York
Sarah E. b.1875 - Hocking County, Ohio
Susan M. b.1887 - Hocking County, Ohio
William b.1846 - Ohio
William H. b.1878 - Hocking County, Ohio
Amanda b.1857 - Ohio
Elizabeth b.1861 - Ohio
Emma b.1859 - Ohio
James b.1830 - of Perry County, Ohio
Otto b.1869 - Ohio
David Elman b.1867 - Perry County, Ohio
Alice Salome b.1870 - Perry County, Ohio
Clara Osma b.1880 - Perry County, Ohio
John Leonard b.1841 - of Perry County, Ohio
Orpha -
Albert b.1856 - Delaware County, Indiana
Alexander Campbell b.1830 - of Perry County, Ohio
Charles b.1861 - Delaware County, Indiana
Daniel Williams b.1864 - Delaware County, Indiana
Eugene b.1885 - Yorktown, Delaware, Indiana
Flora b.1869 - Delaware County, Indiana
Honesty b.1891 - Yorktown, Delaware, Indiana
Irene b.1859 - Delaware County, Indiana
Jesse Blanchard b.1883 - Yorktown, Delaware, Indiana
Leo b.1876 - Delaware County, Indiana
Opal Love b.1892 - Yorktown, Delaware, Indiana
Samuel Perry b.1865 - Delaware County, Indiana
Thomas b.1851 - Somerset, Perry, Ohio
Bertha Gladys m.1916 - Jefferson County, Iowa
Mary Catharine b.1860 - Of Perry County, Ohio
Maria Catharina b.1708 - Hofheim, Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany
Francis Ara (Viola Mohler) b.1877 - Marion Twp., Hocking, Ohio
Caroline b.1845 -
Elizabeth b.1828 - Hopewell Twp., Perry, Ohio
Harry Edwin b.1869 -
Margaret b.1812 - Reading Township, Perry, Ohio
Thomas m.1880 - Mercer County, Ohio
Katherine b.1906 -
Nellie b.1882 - Haydenville, Hocking, Ohio
Rhoda Jane b.1893 - New Plymouth, Hocking, Ohio
Jerome m.1891 - Henry County, Ohio
Nellie b.1867 - Baker County, Oregon
Ida m.1897 - Henry County, Ohio
Margaret Alma b.1864 - Perry County, Ohio
Byron m.1857 - Perry County, Ohio
Adela b.1904 - Pennsylvania
Maggie b.1851 - of Montgomery Co, Ohio
Bertha m.1893 - LeMars, Plymouth, Iowa
Ruth m.1922 - Hocking County, Ohio
Frederick Burdette b.1920 - Kenosha County, Wisconsin
Herbert B. m.1919 - Woodstock, McHenry, Illinois
Clara -
J. Monroe m.1907 - Delaware County, Indiana
Harry W. m.1890 - Delaware County, Indiana
Herma b.1863 - of Miami County, Indiana
Bertha C. b.1903 - Ohio
Edward m.1900 - Delaware County, Indiana
John William b.1922 -
Josephine b.1864 - Cass County?, Illinois
Rossannah b.1812 - Germany
Clarissa Jane m.1866 - Hocking County, Ohio
Clifford James b.1967 - Keokuk, Lee, Iowa
Frederick Jay
James David
James Joseph
Jason Marie
Joel William
Jon Robin
Jon Robin
Joseph b.1899 - Evans, Mahaska, Iowa
Joseph Michael
Pamela Ann
Tracey Monet
Christina b.1843 - Indiana
Elias b.1824 - Perry County, Ohio
Jacob b.1798 - Maryland
Jemima b.1822 - Perry County, Ohio
Amanda Jane b.1854 - Thorn Twp., Perry, Ohio
Emily E. b.1856 - Thorn Twp., Perry, Ohio
Mary E. b.1853 - Thorn Twp., Perry, Ohio
Sarah Jane b.1850 - Thorn Twp., Perry, Ohio
Sarah Belle m.1900 - Delaware County, Indiana
Lillian Anna m.1903 -
Mary M. b.1818 - of Sandusky Co., Ohio
Daniel b.1820 - Ohio
Eli b.1855 - Iowa
Goldie Fern b.1906 -
Margaret b.1832 - Perry County, Ohio
Mary C. b.1864 - Iowa
Nancy Rebecca b.1850 - Ohio
Rachel Daisy b.1853 - Iowa
Samuel b.1847 - Ohio
Sarah Elizabeth b.1859 - Marion, Linn, Iowa
Abraham b.1846 - Marion Twp., Hocking, Ohio
Annie b.1892 - Marion Twp., Hocking, Ohio
Ernest Densely b.1891 - Marion Twp., Hocking, Ohio
Benjamin Glenn
Daniel Charles
Ronnie Sheldon b.1943 - Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada
Ryan Sheldon
tyler David
John m.1851 -
Jacob b.1776 - of Berwick Twp., Adams, Pennsylvania
Brent Allen
Christopher Gordon
Corinne Yvonne
Jason Nathaniel
Jennifer Michelle
Kimberly Rae
Krystal Elaine
Larissa Lynn
Larry Gordon
Marilyn Elaine
Peggy Ann
Steven Alma b.1957 - Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
Steven Michael
Trevor Allen
Whitney Nicole
Wilford Allen
Austin Jacob
Bryan Clark
Bryan Clark
Jamie Nicole
Jared Michael
Kristin Michelle
Lynzie Marie
Margaret Daisy
Zachary David
Solomon V. m.1891 - Henry County, Ohio
Elizabeth b.1805 - Maryland
[Unknown] m.1915 - Indiana
Sarah b.1795 - Littletown, Adams, Pennsylvania
Robert m.1854 - Perry County, Ohio
Lavon William b.1905 - Logan, Hocking, Ohio
Thomas Henry b.1877 - Maxville, Perry, Ohio
Velma Ruth b.1901 - Maxville, Perry, Ohio
Vesta Leona b.1904 - Monday Creek Twp., Perry, Ohio
Wayne Woodrow
William Harry
Nellie m.1910 - Indiana
Cora Hattiah b.1871 - Athens County, Ohio
Carrie -
Grace b.1871 - Batavia, Jefferson, Iowa
Edward L. m.1887 -
John m.1849 - Perry County, Ohio
James m.1854 - Delaware County, Indiana
Mary m.1882 - Carroll County, Indiana
Margaret L. b.1829 - of Perry County, Pennsylvania
Edward C. b.1867 - Hocking County, Ohio
Ida Bell b.1882 - Hocking County, Ohio
Elizabeth J. b.1847 - of Mercer County, Ohio
C. W. m.1897 - Vanburen County, Iowa
[Unknown] b.1802 - of Taneytown, Carroll, Maryland
Lillian b.1882 - Perry County, Ohio
Lillie b.1881 - Chambersburg, Franklin, Pennsylvania
Samuel Guy m.1917 -
Elma M. m.1899 -
Emanuel Oscar m.1892 - Tama County, Iowa
Irma Allene b.1906 - Montour, Tama, Iowa
Riley Cleon b.1901 - Montour, Tama, Iowa
Russel Emanuel b.1896 - Montour, Tama, Iowa
William Alpha b.1894 - Montour, Tama, Iowa
David m.1902 - Delaware County, Indiana
Anna Margaretta b.1897 -
Baby Boy
Baby Girl
Emma Marie b.1905 -
Joseph Edward b.1888 -
Margaret Eva b.1866 - of Perry County, Ohio
Susannah Helen b.1903 -
Theresa Agnas b.1901 -
William -
William Lewis b.1909 -
Blanche E. b.1884 - Larned, Pawnee, Kansas
Bertha b.1852 - of Tama County, Iowa
Daniel m.1833 - Perry County, Ohio
Benjamin b.1854 - Perry County, Ohio
Child d.1900 - Perry County, Ohio
Emily b.1829 - of Perry County, Ohio
Etta Mae b.1884 - Thorn Twp., Perry, Ohio
Martha Blanche b.1891 - Perry County, Ohio
Caroline M. m.1907 - Delaware County, Indiana
Isaac b.1755 - Maryland
Alice M. b.1885 - Nimishillen, Stark, Ohio
Frances Marion b.1852 - Rockbridge, Hocking, Ohio
Nancy b.1812 - Pennsylvania
Dewey Slay b.1899 - Bremen, Fairfield, Ohio
Ida Marie m.1906 - Francesville, Pulaski, Indiana
Daisy Myrtle b.1896 - Indiana
Emery Edward b.1893 - Indiana
Emma Letty b.1878 - Indiana
John Albert b.1882 - Indiana
John S. b.1860 - of Miami County, Indiana
Pearl M. b.1900 - Indiana
Pliny b.1888 - Indiana
Rosa May b.1884 - Indiana
William Noah b.1878 - Indiana
[Unknown] b.1856 - Indiana
John b.1839 - of Henry County, Ohio
Blanche Myrtle b.1891 -
Ulysses S. Grant b.1862 - of Miami County, Indiana
Clara Mildred b.1909 - Spokane, Spokane, Washington
Peter George m.1918 - Waukegan, Illinois
Bridget Amber
Heather Dawn
Robert Louis
Ronda Nicole
Ryan Alma b.1979 - Provo, Utah, Utah
Zachary Tyler
Bess b.1903 - Gore, Hocking, Ohio
Estella May m.1914 - Perry County, Ohio
Ethel m.1908 - Versailes, Indiana
Emily b.1839 - of Coshocton Co., Ohio
Agnes Elizabeth b.1913 - Monday Creek Twp, Perry, Ohio
Delila Jane b.1834 - Falls Township, Hocking, Ohio
Delilah Jane
Ethel Blanche
Floyd Andrew
Francis b.1836 - Perry or Hocking County, Ohio
Ida Louellen b.1917 - Monday Creek Twp, Perry, Ohio
Mary Elizabeth b.1875 - Perry County, Ohio
Naomi Ruth
Noah Isaac b.1910 - Monday Creek Twp, Perry, Ohio
Sarah Ann
William Jr.
William Oscar b.1887 - Monday Creek Twp, Perry, Ohio
Zelda Jane b.1878 - Maxville, Perry, Ohio
Louisa b.1863 - Yorktown, Delaware, Indiana
Susan Ida m.1865 - Iowa
Irvin b.1908 - Perry County, Ohio
Paul Wesley
Mary b.1861 - Ohio
Melvina A. m.1889 - Delaware County, Indiana
Isaac J. b.1869 - Ohio
Kenneth Arlo b.1951 -
Max Kenneth
Sarah Jane b.1841 - Ohio
Elizabeth Ann b.1805 - Virginia
Julia Ann b.1804 - West Virginia
Alma V.
Benjamin Sebastian b.1898 - Ferla, Italy (Sicily Region)
Jayne Elizabeth b.1924 - Chester County, Pennsylvania
Lewis F. b.1922 - Pennsylvania
Martha b.1829 - Virginia
Bernice Tryphose b.1910 - Elma Center, Jackson, Wisconsin
Angela Gail
Eric Charles
Frank M. m.1894 - Delaware County, Indiana
Gregory Lee
Jeffrey Scott
Jennifer Louise
Melissa Ann
Wade Jeffrey
Lemuel S. m.1892 - Delaware County, Indiana
Morgan Raymond b.1905 - Ottumwa, Wapello, Iowa
Sarah b.1826 - Ohio
Jane b.1844 - Perry County, Ohio
Floyd Charles b.1887 -
Margaret m.1880 -
Eldon Henry
Rebecca m.1872 - Fairfield County, Ohio
William b.1884 - of Perry County, Ohio
Caroline E. b.1854 - of Sandusky Co., Ohio
Lydia b.1857 - of Henry Co., Ohio
J. William b.1879 - Maxville, Perry, Ohio
Grace m.1916 - Ottumwa, Wapello, Iowa
John W. m.1879 -
Lillian Belle b.1879 - Iowa
John -
Kim Leslie
Mildred Hester b.1905 - Bieber, Lasson, California
Catharine b.1857 - Ohio
Barbara b.1825 - Virginia
Jacob M. m.1880 -
Susan b.1871 - Hocking County, Ohio
Catharine C. b.1868 - Fairfield, Jefferson, Iowa
Pearl M. b.1860 - of Sandusky Co., Ohio
Laura -
Rueann b.1847 - Starr Twp, Hocking, Ohio (Now Brown Twp, Vinton, Ohio)
Carl W. b.1904 - Ohio
Charles Obediah b.1883 - Monday Creek Twp., Perry, Ohio
Dee S. b.1909 - Perry County, Ohio
James T. b.1881 - Ohio
Paul J.
Ralph E.
Ray Charles
Scott R.
Naoma Elnora b.1875 -
Warren b.1857 - of Vanwert Co., Ohio
Edman m.1900 -
Martha J. b.1849 - of Coshocton Co., Ohio
Louisa b.1794 - Maryland
Clarissa b.1864 - Ohio
Fonetta Marion b.1907 - Wenatchee, Chelan, Washington
Mary Ann m.1869 - Perry County, Ohio
Charles Arthur b.1887 -
Brenda Sue
Walter Adlebert m.1919 - Hocking County, Ohio